
Throughout the year, the school will organise several educational excursions and opportunities for students to extend their learning beyond the classroom. It is expected that all students will participate as part of the educative process provided by the School. The following extra curricular activities are organised throughout the year...

Athletics Carnival
Children represent their sports house at our annual athletics carnival. Events include sprints and relays as well as field events. All children from Preparatory to Year 6 are expected to participate and earn valuable points for their house team. Parents, relatives and friends are also encouraged to participate either as volunteers or as active supporters.
Interschool Sport
Children in Years Four and up participate in interschool sporting fixtures including netball, touch and football.

Swimming Carnival
All children at St Therese's are encouraged to represent their house at the annual school swimming carnival.
Excursions and Presentations
Excursions are an important element of the curriculum and are encouraged for all Levels. Staff are always looking for opportunities to visit local attraction/resources that will help enhance their planned units of work.

Every year, Year 5/6 are taken on a camp. The length of the camp is 4-5 nights. Depending on the costs involved, fund raising is often 'done' to help reduce the price per student.