

Our School Prayer
St Therese, we ask you to bless our school and everyone in it.
Help us to grow in love together in our parish and town community.
Help us to always remember your life and the way you did ‘little things’ for others.
We also remember our families, our friends and the happy times of our childhood.
May we always turn to you in times of need,
and as we reach our potential,
help us to remember that you are there assisting us to do all deeds for God.
We ask this in Jesus’ name.

Prayer & Worship
To experience a personal relationship with God, the children are given the opportunity to participate in and experience daily prayer. Class prayer fosters a oneness in the group and enables the children to see beyond themselves to establish a relationship with others and with God. This prayer is offered through silent meditation and classroom prayer each day.
A prayerful assembly is presented by individual classes each fortnight. Parents are welcome to attend these Prayer Assemblies. These enable us to experience an intimate community of life and love based on a sharing of and witness to our faith.
Youth Masses
Youth Masses are conducted on the first Sunday of the month during term time/once a term on a Sunday night at 6:00pm and will be advertised in the school newsletter. At least once a term, we celebrate a School Mass. Parents and friends are encouraged and welcome to attend these masses. These masses enable our children to participate in the mass through various ministries.
Other liturgies and prayer celebrations are organised throughout the school year by the classroom teachers with the assistance of the APRE.

Students are encouraged to support their classroom missions throughout the year as a way of demonstrating love to those less fortunate. The mission/s supported by the school is determined by the APRE (Assistant Principal - Religious Education).
Sacramental Program
Valley’s Region Parishes, with the support of St Therese’s Catholic Primary School, offers students an opportunity to explore and to become initiated into the Catholic Faith.
Parent information sessions are held throughout the sacramental journey, to assist parents in preparing the students for their upcoming sacraments. The sacramental program is delivered at home by parents and supported by the school.
Please contact the Callide Valley Churches for more details about our sacramental program.